Saturday, August 27, 2011

It brights my mood. Thanks!

Well, after my lunch, I start feeling bored... So I just check my mail then I see the "Reader" link on the top. I just remember that I have 60+ posts I need to read, so I plan to read them all today.

Again, I can see Pich (28) what was the stat on 25th? It's 22 unread post. Maybe I should give a pich a medal in updating her blog ^^

When I look at the feed preview, I'm caught with the title "cute juniors", from our Cambodian HP. It really makes me laugh hard. A good article of course.

"Pichie + Missie: ................................................. Damn!!!"

1 comment:

gäãra-dě-sañd said...

haha.. you're welcome! I also laugh whenever I read it.. :D