Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CSAM small gathering

There will be a small CSAM gathering. To all CSAM members, come if you're free. We'll gather then decide where to go next. Gathering..

Location: Caltex Pet Chen (near Gold 42)
Date &Time: Wed, 23rd June 2010 @5:30pm

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

blog URL changing..

I've been thinking for a while of changing my blog URL. I'd like to change to a new URL: Still can't decide if i should change it. Any recommendation? Please post in reply.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fourth day of being a Trainer & Team leader/Scrum master

Well, this is a fourth day of my new role (though I'm not promoted yet & dun know when?). I've been moved to new office (3rd floor) which is just one floor above my old office.

There're 3 teams & 2 of my bosses in the new office. I am responsible for Yoolk Mobile team (develop mobile application - Android & Iphone) and the other 2 teams in the same office as mine are Yoolk Feature team & Everyday team (team responsible for maintenance

For this few days, I've been doing fine on my new roll, the only thing trouble me is I feel so tired after each training session. A week is almost gone... but the new journey has just been started... Good luck to myself!!!