Friday, October 1, 2010

Building first Cambodian Spaceship

Yesterday, I've got chance to join the team building the first Cambodian Spaceship. This spaceship is made of a flying balloon, 2 camera, GPS transmitter, sonar reflector, a small para suite,...

The spaceship will go up to about 30km above the ground before the balloon explode & the box contain camera fall down to the earth. While the spaceship is going up & falling down, the camera inside will take picture automatically as it's been programmed. It's expected to be launched tomorrow (2nd Oct 2010) at Prey Veng Province & land in Kampong Speu Province, taking about 4hours to travel. However, this date is not yet confirmed yet as we have an issue to solve with the GPS device.

Here are some of pictures when building first Cambodia Spaceship.

Making sonar reflector

Another side of it

Discussing about how to get to the place where spaceship will be landing

Box containing cameras & GPS devices..


៚TiggerLeteeniE said...

Further explain please how the it will be landed? GPS? if so how it works?

gäãra-dě-sañd said...

will u go, bro? i was interested in it but kinda lazy traveling a long distance to track it...

Borey said...

yeah, at gathering place now. Getting ready to go now. Now start briefing before departure :D