Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mid-Sem Break!!! Happi Happi!!!

Oh well, mid semester break arrived, the usual plan is going to activate again. Some of u might be wonder what the plan is all about.

EAT: 3-4 times a day
SLEEP: Anytime I want
STUDY: like i care
SERIES: plan to watch hero, well as i remember its season 2 already finished. gonna watch lots of it.
ANIME: just as usual, watch all the new episode of Anime which is just released.
GOING OUT: waste lots of time to sleep/watch series & anime. shouldn't do it.
SPORT: also in the break mood :P

Just a nice plan for mid-sem break ;)


៚TiggerLeteeniE said...

Churs... "SPORT is also in a holiday break??" AS I remember, even not a holiday, u also don't do any sports.. Plx be honest, and dun cheat readers.

Borey said...

lol i do it once in a while. I just did it a day before i post. i'm not a cheater >.<

Anonymous said...
