Friday, May 25, 2007

Final exam... 2 more to go...!!!

Another semester almost ends again.... Just to think, this semester is really busy. Start from semester i need think about the work place for internship after that try to apply for internship. During the mid-semester, Test 1, assignments and projects were released. After that i need to complete all those. Before the exam, i have Test 2 and presentations. And now I have finished 4 subjects of exam already. Only 2 more subjects to go.

What will i do after exam??? Enjoy holidays??? Of course not! this semester is different from previous semesters. I have go for my internship straight away. I've got offered a job for my internship for quite sometimes already. Just to think of it, feel so good. why???? Because i don't need to go to class for the next whole semester. I will change the environment from classroom to workplace. :D

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